The mission of Convergence Technologies, ltd. is to provide quality business technology with exceptional service for our customers while promoting an enjoyable environment of continuous learning and growth for our staff.

Guiding us in the fulfillment of this mission are these Core Values and Beliefs:
We believe that creating and maintaining a work environment of trust, timeliness and teamwork is a demonstration of our commitment to customers, colleagues and community.
We believe honesty, integrity, sincerity, kindness and commitment create a workplace in which team members can achieve superior results, while enhancing their own quality of life. As a learning organization, we actively support each team member's personal growth while valuing the individual and collective body of knowledge developed for the benefit of our customers.
We value a team of competent, reliable, creative people whose superior work ethic and mutual accountability creates a demand for our services.
We believe our customers value their relationships with us because of our proven and creative solutions, high quality services and the certainty of confidentiality.
Stuart Phillips, CPA

I am the Master Developer and ½ owner of Convergence Technologies, ltd. I have been doing Sage 100 programming and consulting since 1996, the blue screen days for those of you that know what that is. Denise and I split our time between our places in Syracuse and Churubusco, Indiana. We have one child, Shannon who is married, and is a practicing attorney in Fort Wayne, Indiana, with two little kids. I graduated from Manchester College, where Denise and I met, with a B.S. in Accounting. Prior to becoming a Sage consultant and programmer, I started out as an internal auditor, corporate account, and the a Controller at a few different companies and industries, such as Healthcare, Construction and Non Profit ministry. I got into the Sage consulting, because I wanted to get out of the day to day accounting, and I was good at being able to understand what the customers were needing and able to turn that into solutions that worked for them and their companies. Some of my hobbies are watching sports, spending time on the lake and enjoying some R & R time with our daughter and her husband and the two grandkids.
Email: sphillips@converg-tech.com
Phone: 260-748- 4866 ext. 102
Denise Phillips, CPA
Vice President

I am the other ½ owner of Convergence Technologies and Stu’s wife of 35 years. My responsibilities include Sales, Marketing, Administrative, and Consulting on accounting/tax issues as it pertains to the setup and maintaining of Sage 100 and Sage Intacct. I graduated from Manchester College (long before it was Manchester University) with a B.S. in Accounting. In my career life, I started out at a small CPA firm in Elkhart, Indiana, then worked for Geo. S. Olive (now BKD), and then Crowe Chizek (now Crowe) for my 20 plus years of public accounting. During my career in public accounting I was in the tax department most of the time, however when I started out at the small firm in Elkhart, I was know as the Queen of taking receipts and turning them into a viable set of financial statements. That experience has worked well for me over the years with the ability to be able to help clean up messes in company financial statements/general ledger. Some of my hobbies are reading, boating and enjoying family time, especially with the grandkids!
Email: dphillips@converg-tech.com
Phone: 260-748- 4866 ext. 106
Dawn Heaton
Senior Consultant

I work with Sage 100 and Sage HRMS. I live in Columbia City, IN. I have been married to my husband, Bert 38 years. We have 2 married children and 5 Grand Children. I was born in Little Rock, Arkansas (an Air Force Brat), but moved to Columbia City when I was 4. I have worked as a Sage 100 & Sage HRMS consultant since 1999.
Prior to Sage, I had 15 years of experience in Data Entry, Bill Paying (Accounts Payable) and Payroll processing (including magnetic filing and quarterly adjustments for over 20,000 W-2’s per year in 5 different states),
I enjoy spending time gardening, reading, camping, UTV riding and spending time with my family.
Email: dheaton@converg-tech.com
Phone: 260-748-4866 ext. 104
Direct: 260-233-0240
Lisa McSorley
Consultant, CPA

I am a Sage 100 Consultant at Convergence Technologies. I graduated from IPFW with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a concentration in Accounting. Prior to joining Convergence, I worked in Internal Audit, coordinating between the external audit team and fellow co-workers as well as traveling around the world visiting manufacturing and distribution sites. I then changed jobs and became an Accountant (then later a Senior Accountant) supporting multiple manufacturing sites in the United States.
I enjoy spending time outside, growing fruit and vegetables in pots, reading, and spending time with my family.
Email: lmcsorley@converg-tech.com
Phone: 260-748-4866 ext. 118
Direct: 260-440-2282
Kevin Engle
Software Engineer

I am a Software Engineer here at Convergence Technologies. I graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, and Ivy Tech with a A.A.S. in Computer Technology. I have been an engineer/programmer multiple industries, working on Ecommerce platforms and custom software utilizing the Microsoft Technology Stack for over 26 years. My wife and I have a small mini farm, raising beef cows, goats, and chickens.
Email: kengle@converg-tech.com
Phone: 260-748-4866 ext. 121
April Fawley

I am a Sage 100 Consultant at Convergence Technologies. I graduated from Indiana University of South Bend with a Bachelor of Science in Business, Majoring in Management Information Systems. I came to Convergence with 5½ years of experience in Sage X3. I first worked in both the purchasing and sales departments at a manufacturing company. Eventually, I became a Systems Analyst where I worked heavily in the work order department, inventory management, and reporting. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my husband by going for walks, runs, window shopping, and sharing our love for music.
Email: afawley@converg-tech.com
Phone: 260-748-4866 ext. 122
Direct: 260-758-4056
Margie Garber
Marketing Support

I joined the Convergence team in 2021 and help with the company's marketing and website design. I received my Bachelor of Science in Business Management at Indiana University South Bend in 2020. I have always been interested in design and making spaces or objects look nice, whether that be digitally or physically. The past three years I worked in Illustrator and Photoshop designing packaging and product images. When I am not working I still like to research design (specifically interior design), go on walks, and most of all I love spending time with my family. My husband and I have one daughter and one son, they bring so much joy into our lives. We are very blessed!
Email: mgarber@converg-tech.com
Pizza Hut Fort Wayne, Inc.
Convergence Technologies has been instrumental in the upgrading of our Sage 100. Stu is always ready to assist us with questions beyond our accounting software; such as Crystal Reports and FRx software. And as a bonus their newsletters and emails are informative!
Thank you Stu, and your team for more than 10 years of service.
-Diane Little, ERP Manager
Sensit Technologies
Convergence is wonderful when upgrading to the current version, I used to have to test the program myself over and over reporting the fixes with our prior software support. I no longer have to do this they do all the testing, they know their customers well and when the download is complete it is correct. This frees up my time to do what I need to do. I'd like to give a big thanks to their teamwork and efforts they have done for us!
-Debbie Wahl, V.P. of Office Operations
QSI Automation
Dawn is always a pleasure to work with. Her phone support and on-site visits are very valuable for training, installing updates, or creating custom reports that we need for our business. Great work!
-Tina Berkes, Controller